Product Details
When you take the children out, take your mobile phone too. Simply write your mobile number in the space provided on the Tacker Tracker and pop it on the child's wrist. Then if one of your little ones wanter away, you can be contacted and reunited. Don't panic, Tacker Trackers look groovy too.
- A permanant marker pen is supplied with your Tacker Tracker set. Before outing, write the nparent/ carer phone number in the space provided.
- The Tacker Tracker is applied to the child's wrist by siply closing the badn firmyl around the wrist.
- The press stuf is clicked togethjer through the most suitable sized loop.
- Tacker Tracker can't be torn and the locking system ensures that it's extremely easy to put on, but impossible for little fingers to get off.
- Tacker Tracker can be cut off with scissors at the of the day.
- For Ages 3